1:1 Food Shopping

1:1 Food shopping


Eating well is a form of self respect. Learn how to make the right choices for you and your family when buying food


Shopping for food can be a daunting task… there is so much confusion out there!


Have you ever found yourself wandering around the aisles of a supermarket, feeling lost at what to choose, and ending up buying the same foods, week after week? 

And it is not how all it looks… even foods labelled “natural” or “healthy” can be very processed, full of pesticides or genetically modified.


So what is “healthy”? And where can we buy good quality food? Low-fat, gluten-free, sugar-free… what does it all mean? And is it good for us? What oils shall we buy for cooking? And what about eggs?


Let’s go shopping together, and discover how to:


  • Make sense of labels! Why it is important to read them, and what to look out for
  • Make the right food choices while keeping the pleasure of eating
  • Increase variety, consider new options when thinking food, for a full spectrum nutrients intake
  • Buy local and in season
  • Tips on healthy shopping on a budget
  • And much more!