Why I don’t buy pink this month

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women.
Since 1985, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and like every year we are fed pink campaigns, marathons to run and pink October merchandise to buy.
Millions of pounds have been raised to find “the cure”, but has this changed anything in almost 35 years? Where is all the money donated going to?
How many more marathons do we need to run or how many t-shirts do we still have to buy to make a difference? Who is behind Pinktober?
And many more questions arise…
Is the mammogram a safe and reliable diagnostic test?
Should we raise awareness about thermal imaging scans instead, a non invasive tool to diagnose cancer in its early stages? Just yesterday the BBC was reporting on how a tourist has spoken of her “life-changing” visit to the Camera Obscura in Edinburgh after one of its thermal cameras detected her breast cancer (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-50139540 )
Should we be aware of the fact that Tamoxifen, probably the most used ingredient in chemotherapy for breast cancer, is a well known carcinogen to humans? (https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/roc/content/profiles/tamoxifen.pdf )
Should we be aware of the fact that chopping off boobs a la Jolie does not automatically stop cancer?
How comes that a PET scan uses a solution of sugar to detect cancer cells, because cancer cells feed on sugar, but doctors tell patients it doesn’t really matter what they eat?
Instead of looking for “the cure” for cancer, could we start focusing on “the cause” of cancer instead?
The truth is, the search for “the cure” is here to stay and they may never find it, because cancer is a big business, it is an industry that thrives on our ignorance and fear.
I want to share a couple of articles with you today.
One is The Facade of Breast Cancer Awareness, Susan G. Komen, and the Pink Ribbon, from The Truth About Cancer
And here is Covering Up The Causes of Breast Cancer Since 1985: AstraZeneca’s BCAM, from GreenMedinfo. https://www.greenmedinfo.health/blog/covering-causes-breast-cancer-1985-astrazenecas-bcam-1
Food for thought.