5 Healing Herbs For Our Gut

5 Healing Herbs For Our Gut

“All disease starts in the gut”, said Hippocrates more than two thousands years ago…   Finally the modern scientific research is catching up, confirming that the state of our gut health is indeed one of the most important factors for our wellbeing. Surely staying away 

Should healthy people wear masks?

Should healthy people wear masks?

“Community wearing of masks was one of the more dangerous recommendations from our confused public health experts” says Jim Meehan MD in his article “Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks”, recently published by Greenmedinfo. And he is not the only one. Many scientists and 

The New Litter

The New Litter

UK researchers have calculated that if every person in the UK started using disposable masks daily for a year, it would create a significant environmental hazard, that is 66,000 tonnes of potentially contaminated and non-recyclable plastic waste per year … Food for thought!

Italian MP blasts Bill Gates in Parliament

Italian MP blasts Bill Gates in Parliament

Italian MP Sara Cunial created a public stir across her country this month that quickly crossed the borders, spreading fast on social media.   During her seven minute long speech at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, the independent member of the Italian parliament denounced 

My pandemic grocery list

My pandemic grocery list

Find out what to include in your grocery list to boost your immune system in this pandemic   Lock-down has started since a week here in the UK, panic buyers are still everywhere – are their fridges and freezers not oozing with food yet? Supermarkets 

10 Inexpensive Spring Superfoods

10 Inexpensive Spring Superfoods

  Eating nutrient-dense foods doesn’t have to be expensive, the secret is to buy in-season…   Focusing on vegetables and fruit in season is not only a smart money-saving strategy, but it is also the best way to enjoy them when they are at their 

DIY Hand Sanitizer

DIY Hand Sanitizer

Find out how to make your own hand sanitizer for super clean and soft hands and say goodbye to store-bought chemical stuff

Nutritional needs for vegans

Nutritional needs for vegans

Vegans could be missing out on key nutrients in their diet The vegan diet is currently very popular, but it is not always a healthy diet; the market is saturated with vegan junk products (a vegan doughnut is still a doughnut!), and even a healthy 

10 inexpensive Winter superfoods

10 inexpensive Winter superfoods

Eating nutrient-dense foods doesn’t have to be expensive, the secret is to buy in-season… Focusing on vegetables and fruit in season is not only a smart money-saving strategy, but it is also the best way to enjoy them when they are at their peak in 

Why I don’t buy pink this month

Why I don’t buy pink this month

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women. Since 1985, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and like every year we are fed pink campaigns, marathons to run and pink October merchandise to buy. Millions of