“Community wearing of masks was one of the more dangerous recommendations from our confused public health experts” says Jim Meehan MD in his article “Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks”, recently published by Greenmedinfo.
he is not the only one. Many scientists and doctors have expressed
their doubts on the use of masks for virus protection; amongst them,
neurosurgeon, Russell Blaylock, MD had this to say about the science
of masks:
for the scientific support for the use of face masks, a recent
careful examination of the literature, in which 17 of the best
studies were analyzed, concluded that, “None of the studies
established a conclusive relationship between mask use and protection
against influenza infection.”[R]
our faces behind masks and isolating in our homes is not the
solution, at least not for most people with healthy immune systems.
Supporting the health of your immune system, confidently confronting
all pathogens, should be the goal”, writes
doctor Meehan.
wearers frequently report symptoms of difficulty breathing, shortness
of breath, headache,
dizziness, anxiety,
fog, difficulty concentrating, and other subjective symptoms while
wearing medical masks. As a surgeon, I have worn masks for prolonged
periods of time in thousands of surgeries and can assure you these
symptoms do occur when surgical masks are worn for extended periods
of time. The longer a surgical mask is worn, the more saturated with
moisture it becomes, and the more significantly it inhibits the
inflow of oxygen and outflow of carbon dioxide.
fact, clinical research shows that medical masks
lower blood oxygen levels[R]
and raise
carbon dioxide blood levels.[R]
force you to re-breathe a portion of your own breath, including all
the stuff (infectious viral particles) the lungs were trying to
remove from the body!.”
Read the full article here